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How to Create Content that Attracts Your Ideal Customer Online

Creating the right content for your business, online or offline is critical to attracting your ideal customer.

Today, everyone has an incredible amount of options available to them when it comes to how they spend their time and money. And with that competition comes more noise than ever before. So what are people looking for in the information they’re consuming?

Where do they go online to find answers about which businesses are best suited for their needs?

How can you leverage the same channels where customers are spending time online today, into additional revenue streams and maybe even a conversion funnel that gets new customers into your business? Here’s how:

1) First things first: Know your audience(s). The most effective way to create content that attracts and converts your ideal customers is to first know who those people are. What are the types of people that would benefit from working with your organization? Are they motivated by saving money or time? Do they want easier access to service in their area? Are they local residents looking for an activity on a date night?

Once you determine who these people are, then you can begin producing content that speaks directly to them through social channels, website copywriting and even in-person interactions. The idea here is that your content essentially becomes the answer someone has been searching for; it’s the thing they land on and click to, happily converting into a new customer.

2) Podcasts – A new tool for content marketing: One of the best ways to provide relevant information and build authority as an expert in your industry is by producing and hosting a podcast. The great thing about creating this type of media from your business is that you can do it from anywhere with just a good microphone, headphones and some free time. This might be a great way for you to develop valuable content that attracts ideal customers while you’re doing something else.

When deciding what kind of podcast will work best with your brand, don’t neglect testing out several different types until you find one that best aligns with your company’s goals and objectives. For instance, does a talk show make more sense for your business? Or is there perhaps a topic you’d like to cover from an educational perspective?

In either case, when it comes time to actually produce the podcast in a way that attracts new customers through search engines, then simply creating a blog post with the episode’s name and description will be enough to entice people to click over to hear what you’re sharing. Just know that the key here is consistency; creating content doesn’t mean much if you’re not prepared to publish regularly. And one of the most important things you can do as an organization is set aside time every week to produce new content that gets seen by your ideal customer.

3) How to leverage social media for SEO & Content Marketing: Social media has become an integral part of our lives since its launch nearly 10 years ago. But for many businesses, the idea of jumping in and participating is often met with one simple question: “How can I get real value out of this?” With so much noise on these channels, it’s easy to see why finding a relevant place where you can participate without breaking the bank (time or money), is something companies struggle with.

The good news is that there are several different social networks that can provide an incredible ROI when it comes to attracting customers via social sharing and improved search engine rankings. LinkedIn, for instance, is a great way to connect with people in your industry and create valuable content in the form of articles. The key here is to use LinkedIn’s publishing platform in order to share insightful articles that will benefit both you (who can then link back to your site or other social profiles) and the reader (who then feels like they’ve learned something new).

What about Facebook? Some companies are finding success by developing their own custom audience. This means creating an ad campaign where you identify supporters via email lists, CRM records or even direct responses through social shares. You can then target these users over on Facebook where you not only promote content but also drive them directly to specific pages on your site where they can sign up for more information, download a white paper or request a demo of your product.

Even Twitter, which that once the go-to place for quick updates and quotes has been transformed into a content marketing monster. The key here is to establish a posting schedule in order to keep people engaged in what you have going on over at your business. Customers won’t be interested in hearing about you all day long but they will come back if you start sharing value-packed content every couple of days or so.

4) How To Optimize Your Site For SEO: Content doesn’t matter much if you don’t have a place where people can come and learn about your company. In fact, studies show that as much as 70% of the work is done by 20% of your pages. And this means you need to have a clear idea of what those top-performing pieces are so you know which ones to optimize for better search rankings.

The first thing you’ll want to look at is how often these pages are being shared on social media platforms like Google. This might seem counterintuitive given that they’re already popular but it’s not just about popularity, it’s also about finding ways to push those results higher in the SERPs. If your content has been shared several times over various networks, then odds are good that Google will be more likely to rank it higher, driving more traffic back to your site. Next look at what the page URL is and make sure that it’s keyword rich. This means tailoring titles and descriptions around things people are searching for in order to get more eyes on these pages.

Focus on creating content that’s better than everything else out there. Assuming you’ve done a good job of optimizing your site and using social media effectively, you’ll want to set yourself apart from the crowd by only sharing unique pieces with your readers.

So how do you rise above the noise and attract your ideal customer? By creating content that is relevant to them, useful, and engaging. It takes a lot of work but it’s worth it in the end. Content that resonates with people will help you build trust and credibility with potential customers, leading to more conversions in the long run. Are you ready to start creating content that attracts your ideal customer? If so, contact us today for help getting started! We have a team of experts who can assist you in developing content that speaks directly to your target market.

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