
The difference between SEO &content writing

SEO content writing is the process of planning, creating, and optimizing content with the primary goal of attracting organic traffic from search engines. When a piece of content is crafted with SEO in mind, the aim is to rank it as highly as possible for a given set of keywords. Higher rankings lead to higher levels of organic visibility and more clicks and traffic. The role of SEO content writers is to create content that is specifically optimized for search engines while also providing engaging, relevant, and valuable information to the readers. This work often includes researching and utilizing relevant keywords, which is a critical step in the optimization process. It also involves writing in a way that is easy for the reader to engage with and understand while following best practices that will help a piece of content to be found by search engines. By creating quality content that is highly visible to search engines, SEO writers help to drive organic traffic. Thanks to the careful planning and research that goes into the optimization process, they can also measure the success of their work and use new insights and discoveries to inform the next piece of content.

What is SEO Content Writing?

Search engine optimization (SEO) content writing is a key aspect of creating high-quality web content. There is a growing number of jobs in this area, and these jobs tend to be for the long term. That’s because SEO writing focuses on long-term results. What does it mean? SEO is a key way of driving organic traffic to a website. When a potential customer is looking for a product or service, especially if they are using a search engine like Google, but also Bing and Yahoo, then they are far more likely to make a purchase than someone who is just browsing. This is where a business that has good SEO writing in its content will really reap the rewards. SEO writing differs from screenwriting, where you tell a story. It’s not journalistic writing either. Some SEO writing, however, is just junk. It has been written just for the search engines, and that’s not what they want. There is a recent change in philosophy though. Good SEO content is about writing with the reader in mind, first and foremost. When the reader feels that the content is valuable to them, then the search engine also uses that as a guide. Writing that’s too full of keywords, so that it is obvious that the writer is trying to manipulate the search engines, will not be rewarded. Instead, good SEO writing will work to give value to the reader by matching information with what they are looking for. Also, by making the article easy to navigate with sections and sub-sections, the reader can find the information that they’re looking for. Hyperlinks in the SEO writing should take you to pages that will expand on that particular topic, so that the reader will have a chance to find out more about what they want to know. This internal linking, as it’s known, can really help with SEO content writing for the reader. It’s also a good idea to ensure that the hyperlink will take the reader to the correct page, no one likes to be misdirected! With the march of technology, and the ever-increasing use of the Internet, the use of video in search engine results is becoming more and more prevalent. This is especially true for Google, which owns YouTube. Making a short 30-second video on a product or service can really liven up your site and help present information in a different way. Plus, it will help with your SEO content writing for sites like Google. By adding good, relevant video content to your site, you can improve your site’s position on the search engine results page and give the viewer something different to look at. On top of that, with Google’s ability to provide a link to the video results on the main search page, your results can be featured and stand out from the others. All these strategies are important to keep in mind when writing for search engines. But ultimately, search engines such as Google will give higher rank to content that is clear, well-written, and gives valuable information to the reader. So, remember to write with the reader in mind! If you need help with search engine optimization content writing, this article is a great place to start.

The Role of SEO Content Writers

SEO content writers play a pivotal role in creating content that not only appeals to human readers but also satisfies the criteria set by search algorithms. As the main job of an SEO content writer is to create content that is based on the requirements of SEO, it is important for a writer to be well-versed in the language of SEO. A good SEO content writer knows that much of the internet is ‘crawled’ by robots, and not just the search engines kind. When a website is being put together, whether it’s a brand new website or a site that’s getting a revamp, it’s the SEO content writer who is advising on how your text should be crafted. This means a writer needs to know where to put keyword phrases (which, as we’ll see later, are not just placed on the website in a big clump to the same effect), or when you should write about SEO itself, as is being done here! It’s very much a case of blending creativity with a knowledge of the technical – and inclusiveness with a knowledge of the internet itself. For example, learning to embed texts behind images. But the best thing, by far, is that a modern SEO content writer is not constrained. It’s not about just putting in key phrases to meet word limits; it’s about tailoring texts to a modern, digital age as part of a greater framework. By being creative and writing contents that are more ‘interactive’ – in that they are not just blocks of text – SEO content writers can promote effective SEO in a way that no other writing style can. From knowledge panels in Google to the output for software like Dragon – which have a much wider operation than just searching the internet – creating this sort of content is king. Plus, no longer are you trying to appeal to some sort of robotic master – more often than not, good SEO practice is good practice for all copywriting on the internet. For example, “reading ease” is something commonly referred to in SEO placement tips; improving this also makes content more accessible! It turns what could be seen as a rigid process into something that can be customized and improved upon with creativity and knowledge. So, remember – don’t let SEO run your writing! Instead, use your knowledge for SEO to showcase your content in a way that sets standards for others to follow. And the more you learn about writing with SEO in mind, the more you can get creative with it. Hopefully, the creativity and the flexibility of modern writing will keep SEO practitioners ahead, even as search and software becomes more adept. And remember, it’s not all about word counts and phrases – there’s a wide and interconnecting digital world out there that can be influenced. By understanding current health or sentiment analysis algorithms, for example, who knows what can be achieved next? Because, as has been talked about, language and its uses change and expand – and these are the fruits of where modern, creative SEO content writing can take us. SEO itself is a philosophy, and by extension, SEO content writing must be viewed as an adaptable living process as well.

Creating High-Quality Content for SEO

One of the most important techniques for creating high-quality content for SEO is understanding your target audience. This helps you provide relevant and useful information to the readers, making it more likely that they will spend time on your site and even make a purchase. For example, factors such as the age, gender, location, job, income, and education level of your audience can affect what they are searching for. You can identify the characteristics of your target audience by keeping a record of the information of people who visit your website and use this information to understand who your audience is. Some tips for creating a detailed understanding of your audience include creating a customer persona, conducting surveys and interviews, reviewing social media comments and stats, and seeking customer feedback. By creating a detailed understanding of your target audience, you can tailor your content to them and use language and form that will resonate with them. This makes it much more likely that they will find and spend time reading your content and ultimately that they will take the desired actions, such as buying your products or services or sharing your content with others. By incorporating search engine optimization research and strategies into your writing, you can generate more traffic to your site. Key things to focus on include using well-researched keywords and providing high-quality content that will keep your audience coming back. Writing engaging and relevant content is one of the key factors for SEO and content teams. This is so important that many companies will have a strategy in place to consistently create new, fresh content of many different forms, from blog posts and articles to web pages, social media posts, and infographics. By providing content that is relevant to your audience, they will be more likely to engage with it by liking it or sharing it on social media, and they will be more likely to spend longer periods of time on the page. Longer time spent on a page and lower bounce rates, the percentage of people who leave your page having only visited one page, are positive metrics that companies and content creators should aim towards, as it signals to search engines that your site has useful and relevant material. By giving the reader some sort of ‘call to action’ instead of just ‘leaving’ at the end of your content, you will be encouraging the user to remain on your site, through navigation to other areas or through them sharing your content across their own platforms. By prompting the reader to do something at the end of your content, you are also creating a higher possibility that they will take action. SEO content writers who create persuasive content will boost their online success by encouraging the reader to explore and act on the information that the website provides. Also, more time spent on a page and lower bounce rates are positive for search engine algorithms, so keeping the reader’s focus has the added benefit of improving your page’s search result ranking.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Understanding the target audience is the first and most important step in the content writing process. A clear understanding of the preferences, needs, and expectations of the target audience is essential when creating new content. Who are your readers? What are they looking for? How do they go about looking for it? What are their likes and dislikes? What motivates them? What time of the day do they most access their emails or social media? By creating audience personas or reader profiles and by using data and analytics to carry out user research, we can build a clear picture of who our audience actually is. Personas are data-driven, which takes out the element of assumption and helps us tailor content to meet people’s specific needs. By understanding what our readers are actually looking for, we can help them find what they need much more quickly and easily, and by doing so, help to cut through web ‘clutter and place us at the top of their ratings. If there is a mismatch in my expectations/signposting and what they’re actually reading, then there’s potential for losing their attention. Failing to hold attention and interest can result in a higher bounce rate: people navigating away from the site having only viewed a single page. This is important, especially in terms of Google rankings, as a high bounce rate may imply lower quality content or less relevance to the search term – e.g. misleading meta description. For those familiar with search engine optimization, it’s important to note that the relationship between keywords and the audience is shifting. As Google becomes more intelligent, the focus is more contextually based: it’s about users signaling to the algorithms, so writing content that engages and interests readers should create more success than repetitive or ‘out of context’ keywords. Writing for the audience and writing for Google should not be at odds, but the audience’s needs should be seen as more important. We write to engage, inform, inspire, and assist – and ultimately meet the user’s need for high-quality, relevant information. So, consistently successful and effective SEO-focused content will be experience-led and not just robot-driven. By optimizing our content in this way, combining user research and SEO, it’s possible to create a copy that is inspired by what the audience is looking for and at the same time satisfies the criteria of the latest search engine algorithms.

Incorporating SEO Best Practices

Every page or post that you create as a content creator should always have a focus keyword. But what exactly is a focus keyword? A focus keyword is the main keyword that you are hoping people will put into a search engine to find your work. It is a guiding tool for helping your content remain on point and is the backbone for proper SEO practices on your site. There are various places that you will need to use this kind of key term, such as in the titles, headings, and the first paragraph or so of your work. Different editing platforms will have ways for you to insert this keyword within the coding of a webpage; for example, for WordPress users, finding an SEO assistance for the platform such as ‘Yoast SEO’ which will help monitor how many times your chosen keyword has been used will help signal whether your post is well optimized. However, it is important to note that although focusing on a keyword is important for SEO content writing, it can be necessary to avoid ‘keyword stuffing’ – unnaturally forcing the term into your work at every opportunity. It is also discouraged to use the same focus keyword for multiple pieces on your site, as this can lead to them being seen as very similar in the eyes of a search engine and thus affect the variety and scope of views your work may attract. So, optimizing the post itself is key for SEO practices, but not to the detriment of its organic flow and engagement.

Writing Engaging and Relevant Content

Writing engaging and relevant content is crucial for successful SEO content writing. The first step to writing such content is to put yourself in the shoes of a person who will be searching for this web content. Anticipate what that person will be looking for and what key words he will use when performing a search. This is very important since search engines are now capable of completing phrases and sentences, making the search for information faster and easier. Thus, understanding what type of searches people are doing and what questions they are asking on the internet is critical. There are many free tools such as Google Analytics which can provide its users with information on web traffic; that is, on how many people visited the website and what brought them there. Such tools can be very helpful in identifying what web content is most popular and what key words are used when searching for it. Remember that relevant content will convince the person that arrives at the website to stay there. It will also help raise the site in the search results. Also, the search result itself—the text that appears by the link on the results page—is considered content, too. It is important to be sure that that content is enticing and direct. In conclusion, high-quality content is not just about optimizing key words. It involves creating useful, informative and interesting information that serves the public and keeps them coming back for more. Also, high-quality content will, in turn, help to optimize a site and move the web site up in the search results.

Optimizing Content for Search Engines

The various methods of ensuring that particular webpages and landing pages are well optimized to aid with the maximum amount of traffic are also a part of SEO content writing. For example, meta descriptions and title tags or the use of heading tags can help to signal to search engines what the site and its various pages are trying to target. The customizing of URLs and making use of tools such as the Yoast plugin can be valuable in making sure that each webpage can be tailored to earn its place in the search rankings.

Also known as ‘user focused optimization’, this centers on delivering what the user needs from the website. It is based on comprehending what the audience is seeking in terms of services, information, products, resource or other kinds of content relevant to the SEO content topic. Interweaving these search terms and phrases into the content in an authentic way is exactly what SEO copywriting is now known to endeavor to do. This can be explained as the method of writing primarily for the benefit of being ranked highly in the search engines by incorporating optimal keywords within engaging and valuable content. Also, search engines are designed to look for a balance across the page as a whole between the use of such keywords and writing for the user.

Relevance is vital as the writing must be of interest to the target audience. Keyword research and usage as detailed in the previous section is important – but these keywords must be implemented in a way that what is written is still interesting and relevant to readers, not just the search engines. Each web page or post should have a unique focus keyword. This keyword should feature in key places such as the title, headings, and main content of the website. Tools such as the Yoast plugin for WordPress can help writers and content managers to assess just how well that word is likely to rank in a search engine. The use of well written meta descriptions, permalinks and putting the keyword in some of the images used in the webpage are further methods of achieving better search engine outcomes.

In implementing SEO content writing strategies, it is important to optimize the website’s content such that it will register well in search engines. This is important because even if the content is of high quality, it may not earn its keep in terms of driving organic traffic to the site. In contrast, even if the website is well visited and popular, creating invaluable content such that other sites will want to link to it, good search engine rankings can further maximize organic traffic. The various methods of optimizing content for search engines are outlined as follows:

Keyword Research and Usage

Keyword research is a critical initial step in the SEO content writing process. As the term suggests, it involves discovering which search terms or phrases are popular in searches and what kind of results will be produced. By analyzing the relevance and competitiveness of these queries, SEO writers can effectively choose the main and secondary keywords that will drive their content strategy. The importance of finding and using appropriate keywords cannot be understated – using popular search terms that are relevant to your business can propel your website and its content to the top of the searches. Furthermore, proper keyword usage is not only utilizing the relevant terms but also avoiding the overuse of them. This is called keyword stuffing, and skimming or unrelated content that uses this technique will actually be penalized by search engines. In fact, modern algorithms are able to determine the topical relevance of prose, and search engines that determined keyword stuffing will rank a site lower. Therefore, keywords should be used in titles, subtitles, and sprinkled throughout the content naturally, as this will provide both the readability that users desire and the SEO link that search engines need. By following these best practices and by seeing how keyword research informs content marketing, businesses can understand the importance of main and secondary keywords and their relevance to organically driving traffic. On the readers’ side, keyword research ensures that writers are producing the most readable and applicable materials to optimize user engagement. By ranking higher in searches, businesses have a higher chance of being seen by prospective customers that interact with the website, and this step of discovery through term popularity and relevance can have major effects on a company’s marketability and success.

User Intent and SEO Copywriting

User intent, also known as searcher intent, is a main aspect in SEO and content creation. In the context of SEO, user intent is the aim that a user has when typing a search query into Google. User intent is used to classify the motive that lies behind every search. Such as, user intent can come in the form of informational intent, commercial intent, navigational, or transactional. With the new algorithm updates in Google, it is important to write content driven by user intent and focusing on solving the users’ problems. It means having a comprehensive understanding of what your users are looking for when they type a certain search query. For SEO writers, respecting and addressing user intent is equally important as understanding and implementing search terms. For instance, when a user searches for “history of Brexit”, the search results will display explanatory and researched contents on the history of Brexit, instead of news articles and information about recent changes, unless specified by the keywords. As such, different forms of user intent requires different content structures and materials. By understanding user intent, SEO writers can aim to produce content that not only satisfies user queries, but also can gain prominent positions in search engine results pages. However, it does not mean to finish crafting a piece of keywords-stuffed article and get people click on it. Such black-hat techniques might lead to a short-term success, but once search engines pick up on the improper rankings, they will either plunge the search rankings or remove the links all together. This emphasizes on the importance to write with natural and compelling material which fits in what the user is looking for and slightly educate and direct them, instead of cramming words and phrases to force the search engine’s judgement.

Optimizing Web Pages and Landing Pages

The optimization of content for search engines is not merely about adding a few keywords to the text; it’s about providing the user with the best possible experience, using the keywords intelligently, and making sure that all elements of the webpage are fully optimized. For someone landing on the page, whether it be through a search result or another link, the webpage’s content needs to be relevant and engaging. The page needs to be attractive and easy to navigate, providing the user with the information they are looking for quickly and effectively. For search engines, this means making sure that your web pages are well structured, with clearly defined metadata that gives the search robots a good idea of how to interpret and catalog the information on the page. The first step is to assess the web page that you want to optimize. First of all, what’s the goal of this page? What are you trying to achieve with it? Once you can answer these questions, then you can consider who your target audience is and what they might be looking for if they were to land on this page. After these first simple steps, you can start making substantial changes to the page’s content, title and meta tags. Make sure that the meta description for the page is concise and provides a summary of what the page is about, because this is what the search engine will show in the search results. Also take a good look at the title and make sure that it isn’t just loaded with keywords; it should be an accurate, brief and clear indication of what that page of the website is about. These are the changes that a user won’t necessarily see – so it’s worth checking the HTML of your webpage to ensure that all elements used for optimization are correct. For example, the meta elements will be between the <head> tags and will contain different bits of information used by search robots – for example, the description will be written as <meta name=”description” content=””>. All of these changes are important aspects of helping your page climb in the search engine rankings. Start with the small details and ensure everything is done correctly and you’ll find over time that your page’s ranking will rise – and that you may even find yourself on the first page of the search results.

Maximizing Organic Traffic through SEO Content Writing

Engaging and optimizing the content and utilizing strategies to enhance visibility of the content on various social media platforms are discussed in this sub-section. Another method of improving organic traffic relates to user engagement with the content. It is advised that when headlines and content show up in search results or on social media, it is more likely that users will click through to read the content if it is attention-grabbing and appealing. This in turn can enhance the site’s click-through rate and its authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines. This sub-section discusses the use of effective headline strategies to captivate user attention as well as how multimedia – such as images and videos – can be employed to create visually appealing and engaging content. The importance of writing content that is concise, relevant, and value-adding users’ knowledge is emphasized, as well as the need to respect the trust that users convey when clicking on the content. Contemporary web design trends such as using aesthetically pleasing and uncluttered designs are also mentioned as these could facilitate the creation of engaging content.

Another strategy listed for increasing organic traffic through SEO content writing is to promote the published content on social media platforms. This serves to increase the availability and visibility of the content, extend the brand’s reach to a wider audience, and drive more traffic to the website if the content is engaging and optimized effectively for search engines. For example, Twitter features a ‘poll’ option, which could be used effectively to generate twofold ‘engagement’ – first, from users participating in the survey, and second, through encouraging users to ‘like’ and ‘retweet’ the tweet. This user interaction subsequently boosts a particular tweet’s presence and exposure in the Twitter community, hence enhancing the visibility of the linked content. Such strategies adhere to SEO best practices too – when followers engage with the tweets and share the content, this generates backlinks to the website. Backlinks – when external websites link back to the brand’s site – are a key indication to search engines that the provided content is useful and credible. This improves the site’s search engine ranking which, as mentioned previously, in turn increases the likelihood of the site showing up in the SERPs when people search for queries relevant to the brand.

Emphasis is placed on how these keywords are actually used in the SEO content. Simply ‘stuffing’ and ‘spamming’ content with keywords can actually be detrimental and result in search engines administering penalties against the website. Instead, keywords should be incorporated seamlessly into the content to reflect how a web user might phrase their search query. This is because search engines now analyze the semantics and the search intent behind these queries. LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords – words related to the main keyword – can also be used to diversify and provide context for the main keyword. As a result, the search visibility of the SEO content should increase and organic traffic – that is, non-paid traffic – to the website should be enhanced.

It is not enough for SEO content to be high-quality and relevant to the brand. In order for organic traffic to be maximized, the SEO content must be readily visible to online users. This can be achieved by ensuring that the SEO content is listed among the top results on search engine results pages (SERPs). One way to do so is to ensure that the content is rich with relevant keywords and phrases painstakingly researched by the SEO content writer. Using keyword research tools such as Google AdWords’ Keyword Planner and Moz’s Keyword Explorer can provide valuable insights into what people are searching for. By analyzing the search volume, the difficulty of ranking for a specific keyword, and the opportunity for click-through rates, SEO content writers are better equipped to strategically use keywords for maximum optimization.

Enhancing Visibility on Search Engines Results Pages (SERPs)

Search engine optimisation (SEO) means to optimise the content for search engines in order to maximise organic traffic. When users enter keywords into popular search engines, such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, a list of results is displayed. Most of the time, users are most likely to click on the first few results that are listed. Therefore, in order to attract more organic traffic to a website, the goal is to have the website or content listed on the first page of the search results, preferably towards the top of the list. The visibility of a webpage on a search engine is greatly influenced by the content but also by how the content is advertised and marketed on the web. One of the most effective ways to enhance the visibility of content on search engine results pages (SERPs) is through paid search listings. This is where companies pay search engines to list their website’s link or content at the top of the results, with a label indicating that it is an advert. However, research has shown that the majority of internet users prefer to click on the organic results. Organic result listings are the results that appear beneath the paid search listings and they are ranked according to the search engine’s algorithm. Content that is most relevant to the user’s search is listed towards the top. This means that generating traffic through organic listings is pivotal because users trust that these results are not direct advertisements and that they are better quality webpages. Also, it is well known that higher levels of traffic are correlated with higher rankings on the results page because more traffic signals to a search engine that a webpage is popular and of good quality. With regular output of good quality, targeted content that is carefully optimised for SEO, it is possible to steadily increase the amount of organic traffic to a website over time. By creating evergreen content that stays relevant for long periods of time, the cumulative effect of more and more users viewing the content will lead to better search engine rankings and a steady organic traffic flow. This way, even though it may take time to build up a significant level of traffic, the results will last.

Utilizing Social Media to Promote SEO Content

Other than direct searches, one of the most common ways people find information online is through social media. Social media content and SEO content, which is posted on the business’ social media sites, is another opportunity to give search engines signals that the website and its content are vital. In fact, studies have shown a correlation between social signals and rank, but no direct cause-and-effect relationship. What this means is that a successful social media campaign is good for the search engine optimization of the SEO content on that campaign. However, good social media marketing does not automatically improve the rankings. Social shares are the new word-of-mouth and are increasing the way content is shared today. It is easier to tweet a blog post than email to potential recipients and many people are turning to social media for their daily news. It can provide an opportunity for more people to see a business’ message and it can reach any demographic worldwide. For example, the 5.1 billion mobile users worldwide have access to the internet via smartphones and 80% of the time on mobile is spent on a social network. By 2021, the number of worldwide social media users will rise from 2.1 billion to 3.1 billion. Also, the amount of social media users age 65 and older has more than tripled since 2010. People are turning to social media for their daily news fix and are finding articles through social media. This can be a huge opportunity for a business to make its content easily shareable. It is important to make sharing to social media as simple as possible because with more shares and more content visits, the higher a website will appear on Google. Every tweet, pin, post, and share is a vote of confidence for the authority of that piece of content. Search engines recognize this and consider a business’ content trustworthy. For example, Google collects data on which content is most shared within a given topic area. This data is factored into the search engine’s algorithm, meaning the more a page is shared, the more trustworthy its content is deemed to be, and the higher its rankings in the search results. It is more than just regular SEO; it is about optimizing for the search that comes from social media. Every post, image, or video a business posts should be tied back to the website and optimized for the opportunity that is being provided. The goal is to drive the people back to the website by providing high quality and relevant content that they will find beneficial. By gaining the search engine’s trust through the content and the technical know-how, the success rate will be much higher and the organic lead generation will naturally increase.

Capturing and Retaining Reader’s Attention

When it comes to writing a document for the World Wide Web, capturing and retaining reader’s attention has become a very difficult task. This is mainly because of the huge amount of information available on the web and also the fact that reading from a computer screen is not very easy for most people. That is why, it has become vital that the visitors should be captivated as quickly as possible and also they should be retained throughout the site. For SEO content writers, this is a particularly important aspect. This is because if the visitors like what they are reading, they are much more likely to link to it, to come back for more information and also to share it with their friends. All of these things are very important and are looked upon favorably by search engines in the sense that they are a sign that the content is providing useful information. But less to the favor of SEO, what the search engines really want, at the end of the day, is to satisfy the user who is using the search engine. So, given the fact that there are around 130 million books in the world, we might think the job of a writer is pretty easy – think how much harder it must be to make a good impression just with one website! One of the first things to do, and this relates to creating good navigation, is that the writer and the web designer should understand who the target audience is and cater the design and the content to them. If a website has a clear and logical navigation, not only will the readers want to stay and read, the search engines can also easily index and rank that website more effectively. The use of attention-grabbing headlines is also very important. Not only does this help the readers, who tend to scan the webpage, but this also tells the search engines that the content of the page is relevant to that headline, making good on-page search engine optimization practice. Every time you write something, you should ask “so what?”. Every paragraph that is in the piece should be answering the “so what?”. Formatting is also very important as online readers want to be able to grasp the main points of an article by rapidly researching through the key points and paragraphs, having picked them out from the text. And also, don’t forget to get interactive! Involving the people, placing polls and quizzes, and letting the readers leave comments and feedback will create a community and retain people’s interest. With SEO in mind, this kind of thing also provides a lot of ‘fresh’ – the keyword of what search engines love the most. And inbound links from elsewhere, showing that you now have content that is up to date and engaging. Also, don’t be afraid to link out to different sites as, let’s face it, there is a lot of information out there and no one person and no one site can cover it all. The keyword to remember here is ‘information’. The more sites are seen to be helping visitors with information and further reading, the greater value the search engines will place upon the site.

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